Monday, June 28, 2010

Jack The Snake...

Snake dah makin terrarium lama dah nampak x berapa selesa kat dia...smlm jln2 ke petshop beli satu yg besar sikit..nampak lapang sikit..and he got new bowl also..mcm tau2 jer benda2 tu baru...excited dia dapat bowl baru tu..siap masuk berendam lam tu...

Dapat tempat baru..pusing sana sini dia..agaknya luas sikit nak bergerak..

Wah..bowl baru la..agak2 muat x kiter nak masuk lam ni...hehhehee...

Owh..i know abah always love me...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

New Cage for the Glider...

Got new cage for the glider...dah menyiasat dah..this little creature is we name him 'Opek'
Sejak dia ni ada..I've been searching in the internet on how to take care of Gliders. Their diet, health...and found that beside eating fruits, they can eat cat food try to give some of KIKI's food...
Yummm...really enjoy the food...boleh share makanan dgn KIKI la nampaknya ni...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

*Another member of family*

Would like to introduce...our new member in family..gantikan Ebid yg dah pair of hamster and a sugar glider for Nazhan..

Very new in family..baru 2 hari..bought from my hubby's friend. Dah lama Nazhan suka dgn sugar glider ni...byk kali fikir nak beli ni...but when look into the adorable..comel...cute..
manja..finally..wellcome to the family...

Cage ni maybe a bit small..sementara nak beli cage baru yg sesuai...sabar yer..what we shoud call her..her? or him?..nak kene menyiasat ni..

Ni pair of Hamster...opps..the female is hiding...malu la nak take photo...

Go round..round..round and's fun..
Owh..I am not hiding...or shy..I am sleeping...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ebid Tinggal Kenangan...

It was the same ordinary monday...14 June 2010..when suddenly after Maghrib my hubby found Ebid the rabbit dah tak bergerak...semua terkejut..baru jer petang tu about 6 pm I played with him...even Nazhan pun main2 dgn dia..x der pun tanda2 Ebid x sudden Ebid gone..paling sedih Nazhan pun bila terpandang sangkar Ebid..terbayang macam Ebid ada dalam tu lagi...skrg tgh fikir2 nak belikan Nazhan rabbit yg hubby kata tunggu dulu lah...dia pun mcm sedih jer...dia yg bnyk jaga...apa pun Ebid will always in our mind...

Friday, June 18, 2010

I Feel Bad Inside...

Oh bad is bad is? It's really bad..wierd..things happened I wish that things will be back to normal...all the good old days played in lovely...will they ever comeback???